A wave of dismissals
Kia, 54.127 employees and Halla, 21.996 employees are going to shut down. Hyundai dismisses 5.000 workers. Hanwa announces a drastical reduction of the workers. Other large groups point out a necessary 30% reduction.
Every day 25 small and medium enterprises, and a large, listed one, go bankrupt.
Since the beginning of the year, 7 out of 30 industrial colossuses have crashed. They represent 60% of the Corean production.
They used to be the feather in the hat of the postwar modern capitalism.
All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of factory workers fall into poverty and are reduced to begging.
The financial crisis of the Lesser Tigers, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, went off in July and immediately spread to all the Asian countries, Japan included. The crisis showed its real face before long: a crisis for overproduction.
A pacific solution of the crisis wont occur. Just a bigger exploitation of the factory workers, not only in Asia, and the worsening of the wars over the markets will take place.
Working men, you are
warned. This organization of production, based on profit, crashes
into itself and reduces to poverty the workers of all over the
The solution is overthrowing the employers, is power to the
workers, is reorganizing production on a new basis. World crisis
itself drives workers to this way.
Times are ripening; despite and against all the illusions about a
long-lasting development of the world capitalism.
You can knot a
net of workers who think in the same way
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Operai Contro - AsLO Via
Falck 44 - 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni (MI)
E-mail: operai.contro@tin.it