Toward Third World War

Working men, they are talking rubbish. Bombing on Serbia is not humanitarian.

US led NATO countries to attack Serbia with violent bombing. That’s the way US masters play their cards to stop the expansion of European masters in Balkans.

D’Alema government arranged Italian bases for the attack. Italy is a country at war and is one of the aggressors. We are at war to defend the interests of the Italian masters in the Balkans. Any reprisal by Serb bourgeoisie is justified.

A river of words was spent on the matter of peace, just to land to humanitarian bombing on Serb towns. Time for humanitarian pacifism is over; government left bourgeoisie buried it.

Masters’ governments, right or left, never had any problem: masters will always send thousands of workers and peasants to their death for a cause which is holy, right and necessary: i.e. their own profits.

Today’s war against Serbia is the result of the deterioration of the international competition among groups of masters. Controlling the market during the crisis, for the capital, is a matter of life and death.

There is only one way to stop the masters: to declare war on them in each country. To open an internal front, exploited vs. exploiter, workers vs. masters, against Clinton, D’Alema and Milosevic himself.

Workingmen, we are the only class without a fatherland.

Workingmen, we have no more time to lose: either we start our war against masters anywhere in the world or they will let us massacre each other for their own interests.

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